Friday, August 22, 2014

Few IT updates.

  • MK802 devices are disappearing from the stoors, perhaps because most of TVs sold are now "smart TV" with Internet connectivity. NetOnNet still sells MK802III and MK802IV under the Anderson brand name, packaged with power adapter and IR remote control. Not a bad deal if you want to have a tiny Android micro-desktop with a good graphic card.
  • Dropbox is working again on the department system.
  • Finally: a free online TeX service AS IT SHOULD BE: Complete with a high quality editor reminding TeXMaker and reverse search (DVI to source). Its arrival makes a lot of difference, Chromebooks and Android tablets with external keyboards (via OTG) are now useful for work! Sagemath site runs some free math software too.
  • A bargain: 49 kronor at NetOnNet for a 8GB USB stick - and not just a stick, but one equipped with USB micro contact and OTG circuit - meaning that IF (a big IF) your smartphone supports OTG, you have a USB stick that connects to the smartphone. [What the hell OTG is? It is a setup that allows Android devices to host USB attachments - external storage, keyboards and even sound cards. More often found in tablets than in phones.]
  • Future of Thinlinc: Cendio, Thinlinc's maker, is working on Thinlinc client that runs in a browser. Meaning, again, that tablets will replace thin clients as a means of connecting to the department's machine. . All is missing is a server upgrade.
  • Sylpheed (a no frills, small footprint mail client)  has now a Mac version. Still a test one, but does not seem to have any bugs worth mentioning.